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Regeal Affimet, aluminium alloy recycling

REGEAL AFFIMET (100% subsidiary of the AUREA Group) has operated the Affimet site in Compiègne since July 2009. This is the main site for aluminium refining and recycling in France.  The AUREA group has brought to this activity its support and know-how to develop the business.

Regeal Affimet’s achievements:

  • Principal site for refining and recycling aluminium in France with recognised know-how
  • Equipped with up-to-date and efficient technology (three rotary kilns)
  • Wide range of alloys sold under the Affimet and CALYPSO brands
  • Partner for the major foundries in France and Europe
  • Partner for local authorities in the waste sorting
  • Recycling aluminium helps minimise the consumption of natural reserves of bauxite, without which we could no longer be able to make primary aluminium.
  • The aluminium can be recycled many times without altering its properties.
  • Recycled aluminium is, in most cases, used for the production of so-called second fusion foundry alloys, from which our customers manufacture castings.

Affimet Regeal in numbers:

Annual production: 60 000 to 70 000 tonnes of aluminium alloys.

Products: primary and secondary alloys, with around a hundred  alloys in the catalogue, including the Affimet and CALYPSO ranges..

Services: dross processing, offcuts and aluminium scrap for industry.

Concrete environmental measures and actions:

In compliance with the commitment of the AUREA Group, all of our production sites are committed to the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Since being taken over by AUREA, the F1 foundry has reduced, its CO2 emissions by 30% and meets its regulatory requirements through targeted investments and daily monitoring of all emissions.

By producing secondary molten alloys, based on recycling end-of-life products and the recovery of industrial waste, we contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and raw materials, so we're working for environment.

Additionally, through investments and continuous efforts, we use equipment that limit gaseous emissions and water discharges.


- 24/03/2025 -

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